This week Inga for the first time made the statement about her disability: “Mummy – I do not want to have weak legs.”

It is really hard to deal with such a sentence. She’s only 3 years old. We do not talk with her about details of her disease. She just knows that she’s got weak legs and cannot walk. We point her attention to things she is able to do: running away in her wheelchair, “jump” wearing her splints while standing by walking frame etc. We try do not let her feel she’s seriously disabled. At home it is not so difficult – she has no one to compare with. We and Inga’s brother are just adults for her – so she can crawl without any stress. It is not so easy when it comes to play with other 3-years-old children. But it wouldn’t be smart to isolate Inga from other children.

We knew that hard and difficult questions finally come but did not expect it happen so early…
We wish that Spinraza treatment would be available very soon. We pray for it!

Meanwhile auntie Louise gave Inga Peppa Pig’s car. Her happiness was endless!