It’s been 2 weeks since the last post. A lot was happening at that time in the life of Inga, who was on holidays, and then returned to the daily duties of the 5-year-old. We are still thinking about the holiday season though. It would seem that this is the perfect time to recharge the batteries and relax from everyday problems. And probably in the case of our little girl it was like that – the hours spent in the pool gave her the desired feeling of freedom and probably a little strength. A lot of crawling and riding a manual wheelchair in a warm climate also allowed her to feel a bit of “free”.

For us, however, it was not just a period of rest and freedom. There was even no question of giving up daily physiotherapy, which, if not performed on a specialized physio-table, is a challenge and effort for both Inga and us. Holidays means also a necessity to bring all orthopaedic equipment with you (wheelchair, splints, walking sticks, special shoes, rehabilitation mat, etc.). In addition, new types of obstacles are waiting for Inga everywhere in new places, which do not allow us to enjoy visiting every sight. And so it was in Venice, where, in many places, Inga lost to the ubiquitous stairs…