82 weeks since diagnosis

It is almost autumn but we still look back on summer. It was a very good summer for Inga. She has been swimming more than through her entire life. It was a first time others admired her physical abilities. In a water weak legs, weak muscles are not a problem – no one has noticed […]

81 weeks since diagnosis

Last month Inga had two neurological appointments – in Wroclaw and in Cardiff. Unfortunately – they did not contribute much to Inga’s health. Doctors has just verify SMA progress. Disease progress is much more slower that doctors expected – which is good. We think it is all about constant and systematic physiotherapy. Inga’s legs showed […]

80 weeks since diagnosis

This week Inga started to attend nursery at school. It was a big event for a whole our family, in particular for Inga. She was very excited and proud that she is big enough to attend school same as her brother Max. Afterwords there were big emotions and lots of talking about her adventures at […]